In my organic body care company we make a lot of soap. A lot. So I made a habit of making our own laundry soap seven years ago and we never looked back. Our clothes are clean, smell fresh, and each load costs a fraction of what purchased laundry soap costs.
Plus knowing each ingredient that goes into our laundry? That's a peace of mind you simply can't buy.
I've been using LüSa Organics bar soap exclusively for our soap (for the obvious reason that: we make it!) and we love the results. One bar is enough for weeks worth or laundry soap. And because we offer our scratch-and-dent soaps for sale on the cheap, it's even more affordable than using a first-quality bar. Our soaps are made with organic base oils and scented with essential oils – never synthetic fragrances. (If you're using a different brand, do check your ingredients list to make sure you aren't adding ingredients you don't want to your laundry.) Most bars of "soap" that you find in stores today, as well as most laundry "soap", however, is actually synthetic detergent, and not soap at all. Who knew? I'm all for clean clothes but I prefer the most natural route possible.
So quick & easy homemade laundry soap it is.
There are only three additional ingredients to turn natural bar soap into laundry soap and all can be found at your local grocery store (I've included afflinks below for those who prefer): baking soda, borax, and washing soda. Baking soda is a natural odor remover. Borax softens water. Washing soda is chemically similar to baking soda but is a much stronger base (high pH) and helps neutralize the natural moisturizers found in soap.
Two thoughts before we begin regarding soap selection:
- All LüSa Organics soaps are appropriate for homemade laundry soap, and I developed this recipe with our soaps in mind. If you opt for another brand of soap, select soaps that do not contain synthetic colorants, fragrance oils, or large bits of ground herbs.
- If you are mixing different soap varieties choose scents that harmonize with each other. (For the batch below, we used a lavender soap and a eucalyptus bar.)
How to Make Laundry Soap
Materials and Equipment:
Natural bar soap, approximately 4 to 5 ounces (to make 2 cups) (One large or two medium bars)
- 2/3 cup Baking Soda
- 1 cup Borax
- 1 1/3 cup Washing Soda
- Essential Oils (optional - I normally reach for one of these three blends)
- Box grater
- Food processor (optional)
- Mixing bowl, reserved for non-food use
- Mixing spoon, reserved for non-food use
- Storage jar
- Gather your materials and equipment. You may consider wearing your gloves and dust mask as we'll be working with powders and alkaline materials (washing soda).
- Grate soap on the fine side of a box grater or process through your food processor fitted with the fine grater blade. Go for the finest shreds possible as they will dissolve easily in your washing machine. (Note: 4 ounces of well-cured soap will make approximately 2 C of grated soap.) If desired you may process the grated soap a second time in your food processor for an even finer powder.
- Measure grated soap into mixing bowl. Add additional ingredients and stir well to combine. Check scent. If desired add additional essential oils to boost the scent of your soap (a few drops is plenty).
- Transfer to storage jar. That's it!
Shake jar occasionally to keep powder from separating from soap if your gratings (like mine) are medium size. Use two to three tablespoons per load, and add a splash of vinegar to your washer in the fabric softener cup for your freshest, cleanest clothes yet.
Homemade laundry soap is low-sudsing and is safe for use in most HE (High Efficiency) washing machines.